1·Each header block is processed as a discrete unit.
2·Figure 7: an Activity is created and assigned to a single team member to complete a discrete unit of work.
3·An Activity is created and assigned to a single team member to complete a discrete unit of work, as shown in Figure 7. An Activity.
4·Each column stores one data element, such as a first name, one line of an address, a price, or any similar discrete unit of information.
5·The immediate team is the smallest unit, greater than a single person, that collaborates to produce a product or discrete part of a product.
6·A unit of signalling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second.
7·Firstly, the paper models the multivariable discrete state-space model of the air transmission unit by the lab method, using multi-dimensional inverse m series as input stimulus signal.
8·An indirect inverse substructure scheme for calculating the dynamic stiffness of discrete coupling unit-of-packaging was introduced. A formula was derived based on matrix theory.
9·However, the relation between unit commitment risk and forced outage capacity is a discrete distribution, the Lagrangian Relaxation unit commitment algorithm isn't used directly.
10·Entire unit USES discrete circuitry.